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Discus breeding is among the preferred fish that people like to see in their aquariums. They are bring in colour and quite adaptive to folk and are always aware of things around them. They follow you around and you don?t have ask for anything more than clean and safe water. By learning on how to keep a cleaner water for your fresh water Discus you can give it a long life. They require just a little advanced care but do have unique environment. Below are some tips, which you have to keep in mind always:
Check the pH level
Tarnished water does as much damage as good for the fish. The natural habitat of Discus fish contains warm and acidic temperature. Therefore , before you put the fish in water check the pH balance of the water available in your neighborhood. It should be between 5 to 6.5. The correct way to test the water is after it's been standing for a minimum of 24 to 48 hours. You need to use a pH meter for this.
Avoid using treated water but try and duplicate the natural environment as closely as practicable.
Change the water continually
To keep the water fresh you have to change is continually. It is recommended that you change 15 to 20% of tank water every day. This is crucial in order to remove harmful toxins and waste from the water which can change the pH balance.
Discus fish like to follow a routine and aren't exceedingly comfortable with changes. So feeding and water change time has to fixed. The good time to modify the water is after the feeding time. This way you can get rid of waste and left over food. Also maintain a routine helps them adjust with the environment better.
Keep the tank clean
A clean tank will aid you in keeping the water clean. Keep the tank free from dangerous decorations which can harm the fish. Also gravel is an ideal hiding place for waste and harmful objects, so keep your aquarium free of gravel. Keep a watch on deposits and algae round the tank and keep it clean.
Water temperature
A touch warm temperature will keep Discus fish ecstatic. You can install a fluorescent light within the fish tank to maintain the water temperature to roughly 82 to 86 degrees. Employ a thermometer to test the water temperature frequently. When you change the water make sure that there is no great temperature variation.
It is important to keep clean and fresh water, or the fish can fall sick and even die.
Harry Koots is a professional Aquarius and he has been teaching people on how discus breeding is done succesfully.
Since it isn't a very simple fish to keep, and breeding them in aquariums is even tougher. Harry will teach you the way to keep this fresh water discus in an aquarium that is massive enough for them, giving them high quality food etcetera.
Here is the author box bio
Tags: discus breeding, fresh water discus
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Anders Behring Breivik, the confessed gunman who killed 77 people last year in a bomb and shooting rampage, center, reacts in court as prosecutors deliver their closing arguments in the court in Oslo, Norway Thursday June 21, 2012. After nearly 10 weeks of grueling testimony of one of the worst peacetime massacres in modern history, it's time for prosecutors to decide their position on whether they think confessed mass killer Anders Behring Breivik is insane or not. (AP Photo/Berit Roald/Scanpix NTB POOL)
Anders Behring Breivik, the confessed gunman who killed 77 people last year in a bomb and shooting rampage, center, reacts in court as prosecutors deliver their closing arguments in the court in Oslo, Norway Thursday June 21, 2012. After nearly 10 weeks of grueling testimony of one of the worst peacetime massacres in modern history, it's time for prosecutors to decide their position on whether they think confessed mass killer Anders Behring Breivik is insane or not. (AP Photo/Berit Roald/Scanpix NTB POOL)
Prosecutor Inga Bejer Engh delivers closing arguments in the trial against Anders Behring Breivik, the confessed gunman who killed 77 people last year in a bomb and shooting rampage, unseen, in the court in Oslo, Norway Thursday June 21, 2012. After nearly 10 weeks of grueling testimony of one of the worst peacetime massacres in modern history, it's time for prosecutors to decide their position on whether they think confessed mass killer Anders Behring Breivik is insane or not. (AP Photo/Berit Roald/Scanpix NTB POOL)
Prosecutor Svein Holden delivers closing arguments in the trial against Anders Behring Breivik, the confessed gunman who killed 77 people last year in a bomb and shooting rampage, unseen, in the court in Oslo, Norway Thursday June 21, 2012. After nearly 10 weeks of grueling testimony of one of the worst peacetime massacres in modern history, it's time for prosecutors to decide their position on whether they think confessed mass killer Anders Behring Breivik is insane or not. (AP Photo/Vegard Groett/Scanpix NTB POOL)
Anders Behring Breivik, the confessed gunman who killed 77 people last year in a bomb and shooting rampage, left, with prosecutor Svein Holden, background, during closing arguments in the court in Oslo, Norway Thursday June 21, 2012. After nearly 10 weeks of grueling testimony of one of the worst peacetime massacres in modern history, it's time for prosecutors to decide their position on whether they think confessed mass killer Anders Behring Breivik is insane or not. (AP Photo/Berit Roald/Scanpix NTB POOL)
OSLO, Norway (AP) ? On the last day of his trial, Anders Behring Breivik's defense lawyers on Friday tried to cast the confessed mass killer as a political militant motivated by an extreme right-wing ideology rather than a delusional madman who killed 77 people for the sake of killing.
Since Breivik has admitted to the bomb-and-gun attacks on July 22, the self-styled anti-Muslim militant's mental state has been the key focus of the trial.
In his closing arguments, defense lawyer Geir Lippestad reiterated that Breivik accepts that he set off a bomb outside a government high-rise and then gunned down dozens of teenagers at a Labor Party youth camp in the way that the attacks were described in court.
"That little, safe Norway would be hit by such a terror attack is almost impossible to understand," Lippestad said. And that helps explain why psychiatric experts reached different conclusions about Breivik's mental state, he added
Lippestad used his closing arguments to try to prove to the court that Breivik's claims of being a resistance fighter in a struggle to protect Norway and Europe from being colonized by Muslims are not delusional, but part of a political view shared by other right-wing extremists.
He also refuted assertions by one team of psychiatrists that the driving force behind Breivik's attacks was a psychotic impulse to kill, rather than a political ideology.
"July 22 was an inferno of violence," Lippestad said. "But we must also look at how he carried out the attacks to see whether it was violence in itself or radical politics that was the cause."
The five-judge panel is expected to make a ruling in July or August. If deemed mentally competent, Breivik would likely be given Norway's maximum prison term of 21 years. A sentence can be extended beyond that if a prisoner is considered a menace to society. If declared insane, he would be committed to a mental institution for as long as he's considered sick and dangerous to others. Prosecutors suggested Thursday that could mean he would be held for the rest of his life.
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Is croquet a sport, or more of just a recreational activity for people to play in their backyards, or both it be both a competitive sport and recreation. Croquet was actually once played as a competitive sport in the Olympics. It began to get popular in the late eighteen hundreds, sharing fields or courses with tennis. Tennis eventually beat out croquet as the more popular sport, and croquet was dropped from the Olympic Games. Currently tennis is a very popular competitive sport, while many do not know what croquet is. Croquet is making a comeback, however, growing once again into a national and international competitive sport.
Croquet was spread around the globe in the late 1800?s by the British Empire. It was a new recreational and somewhat competitive sport quickly gaining popularity. At the turn of the century it was added as a sport in the Olympic Games, only to be taken back out again by the subsequent Olympic Games. Croquet was removed from the Olympic Games because countries could not agree on the rules. American croquet associations played by different rules than the European associations played. This created some conflicts on how rules would be dealt with at the international level. Croquet left the high level sports arena and was cast back down to be carried on only by small clubs and groups of croquet followers. It was also played for recreation in backyards and parks.
In the 1960?s and 70? croquet began to gain back its lost ground. Large croquet clubs on the east coast of the US decided to compete with each other and agreed on some official rules. With official rules established and the establishment of the croquet association to govern those rules, croquet was played as a competitive sport once again. Since 1980, croquet has grown from a sport played by a few professionals to several thousand professional croquet players in North America today. Local, national, and international croquet tournaments are being held often.
Nevertheless, croquet is still little known to many people especially as a competitive sport. Many Americans play croquet [] for recreation in their backyards or in parks, oblivious to the fact that it is a sport played professionally; that there is a World Governing body for croquet ? the World Croquet Federation; there is the USCA ? the United States Croquet Association; along with national croquet associations in many countries throughout the world.
Different rules have developed over time for croquet. The type of croquet that many Americans play in their backyards requires different rules than that played professionally in clubs and tournaments. The lawns are also trimmed like a golf course four tournament and club play, while backyard players will play on whatever grass is in the backyard. Different types of croquet set are used for different styles of croquet as well. A backyard croquet set can just be a simple inexpensive croquet set. Usually backyard and recreational croquet sets are nine wicket sets ranging from four to eight players. Some professional croquet sets are six wicket sets with fancy mallets and balls designed for professional play on well kept fields.
Croquet is both a recreational activity that anyone can play in their backyard, and a competitive sport gaining more popularity even as you read this article. Soon some of those backyard croquet players, currently oblivious to the fact, will become the Michael Jordan or Tiger Woods of croquet, making millions of dollars winning tournaments and getting sports and athletic sponsors. Thousands will flock to their tournaments and millions will watch them on television.
Peter Jay is a Vice President with Yard Game Central and a manager and web administrator with For more information about croquet visit []
Contents About : Croquet ? A Recreational Sport
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FILE- In this Thursday, April 16, 2009, file photo, Google headquarters in Mountain View, Calif. Google's shareholders are expected to approve on Thursday, June 21, 2012, the company's plan to issue a new class of stock. Google's co-founders, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, and Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt are pushing for the move to ensure that they maintain long-term control of the company. (AP Photo/Paul Sakuma, File)
FILE- In this Thursday, April 16, 2009, file photo, Google headquarters in Mountain View, Calif. Google's shareholders are expected to approve on Thursday, June 21, 2012, the company's plan to issue a new class of stock. Google's co-founders, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, and Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt are pushing for the move to ensure that they maintain long-term control of the company. (AP Photo/Paul Sakuma, File)
Consumer Watchdog demonstrators Don McLeod, left, and J. Schwartz, right, protest in front of a Google shareholders outside of Google headquarters in Mountain View, Calif., Thursday, June 21, 2012 before the Google shareholders meeting. Protestors demonstrated to help raise awareness of Google's online tracking policy. They are calling for legislation for "Do Not Track" mechanism urged by the FTC. They are protesting information from being gathered by Google without permission. (AP Photo/Paul Sakuma)
Consumer Watchdog demonstrator Derek Loughran protests in front of a Google shareholder outside of Google headquarters in Mountain View, Calif., Thurday, June 21, 2012 before the Google shareholders meeting. Protestors demonstrated to help raise awareness of Google's online tracking policy. They are calling for legislation for "Do Not Track" mechanism urged by the FTC. They are protesting information from being gathered by Google without permission. (AP Photo/Paul Sakuma)
Consumer Watchdog demonstrator Derek Loughran, center, J. Schwartz, far left, and Don McLeod, right, protests in front of a Google shareholder outside of Google headquarters in Mountain View, Calif., Thursday, June 21, 2012 before the shareholders meeting. Protestors demonstrated to help raise awareness of Google's online tracking policy. They are calling for legislation for "Do Not Track" mechanism urged by the FTC. They are protesting information from being gathered by Google without permission. (AP Photo/Paul Sakuma)
Consumer Watchdog demonstrator Don McLeod protests in front of a Google shareholder outside of Google headquarters in Mountain View, Calif., Thursday, June 21, 2012 before the shareholders meeting. Protestors demonstrated to help raise awareness of Google's online tracking policy. They are calling for legislation for "Do Not Track" mechanism urged by the FTC. They are protesting information from being gathered by Google without permission. (AP Photo/Paul Sakuma)
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) ? Google shareholders gave CEO Larry Page what he wanted Thursday by approving an unconventional stock split meant to cement his authority, but he wasn't around to hail the victory.
Page missed the Internet search leader's annual shareholders meeting because he has lost his voice, a previously undisclosed problem. Google didn't provide any other details about co-founder Page's condition except that whatever is ailing him isn't serious enough to prevent him from fulfilling his duties as CEO.
The voice difficulty is serious enough to prevent Page, 39, from speaking next week at a conference in San Francisco, where Google is expected to show off some of the latest innovations in its Android operating system for smartphones and tablet computers. He also is expected to skip a conference call next month to review Google's financial results for the second quarter.
Until his voice recovers, Page is relying on email and other written forms of communication to convey his thoughts. It might not be a huge adjustment for him. Even when his voice is at full strength, the soft-spoken Page can be reticent.
Page's absence was the biggest surprise at an annual meeting in Mountain View that featured familiar jokes about Google's free food and prosperity. A few critics also raised frequently asked questions about Google's methods for tracking its users' preferences and Web surfing activities.
Even the approval of the first stock split in Google's eight years as a publicly traded company was a foregone conclusion. That's because it had the backing of Page, fellow co-founder Sergey Brin and Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt. Combined, the three control about two-thirds of the voting power at Google.
The company didn't announce the specific vote results Thursday, but said the stock-split plan had won majority support.
Google Inc. doesn't expect be able to split the stock until at least October. That's because Google won't do so until it resolves a shareholder lawsuit challenging the plan. The complaint, filed in Delaware state court, alleges that the board breached its fiduciary duty by acceding to the wishes of Page and Brin.
The stock split is meant to ensure Page and Brin can overrule all other shareholders on any vote. They have retained this power since Google went public in 2004, but they worried that their authority could be undermined as Google issues more shares to compensate employees and finance future acquisitions.
To preserve their power, Page and Brin persuaded Google's board to approve a new class of non-voting stock. Google can draw upon this new "C'' class of shares without diluting Page and Brin, who currently hold a combined 56 percent of the voting power at the company.
The plan calls for a share of Class C stock to be given for every share of the existing Class A stock. That has the effect of cutting the value of each Class A share in half while doubling the total owned by each stockholder. In other words, 100 shares of Class stock worth $565.21 apiece at Thursday's closing price would become 200 shares worth about $282.60 apiece after the split.
Page is protecting his power at a time when Google's stock has been lagging the overall market and the company's peers.
Since Page replaced Schmidt as CEO in April 2011, Google's stock has declined 4 percent while the technology-laded Nasdaq composite index and Dow Jones industrial average have gained 2 percent. The Standard & Poor's 500 index has dipped by less than 1 percent during the same period.
Meanwhile, investors have been embracing two of Google's biggest rivals. While Page has been running Google, Apple Inc.'s stock has surged 68 percent and Microsoft Corp.'s has risen 18 percent.
Google has been hurt by investor concerns about the falling prices for its online search ads, the risks posed by its recent $12.5 billion purchase of device maker Motorola Mobility Holdings and the potential fallout from intensifying battles with government regulators around the world.
Another potentially thorny issue emerged on the regulatory front Thursday with the news that the Texas attorney general's office is accusing the company of improperly withholding internal documents to stymie an investigation into its business practices. Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott is seeking a court order that would require Google to turn over more of the evidence that it's trying to shield.
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Police in Miami say Ronald Rolfes, 31, secretly videotaped beauty pageant contestants at a Hooters competition disrobing without their permission. WTVJ's Gilma Avalos reports.
By Karen Franklin,
A Georgia man was arrested after he secretly taped Hooters pageant contestants changing into their bikinis at the Fontainebleau hotel in Miami Beach, authorities said.
Ronald Rolfes, 31, was arrested Sunday at the hotel and faces one count of video voyeurism. He was recording contestants for the 2012 Hooters International Pageant while they changed in the Splash 5 room, Miami Beach Police said.
Authorities found Rolfes sitting in a chair across from a camera, which was hidden by a backpack under a chair and gave him access to see behind a curtain, an arrest report said.
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Miami Beach Police, who were at the hotel for an unrelated call, were alerted to Rolfes after a woman approached the officers and said that a man was recording her and other women as they undressed. She said she noticed the camera recording her, took a photograph of it and then ran to find security.
Rolfes identified the camera, which was plugged into an outlet, and the bag as his own, the report said.
The Fontainebleau declined to comment and referred NBC 6 to Hooters.
Hooters said in a statement Monday that Waterbabies Bikinis, which made the swimwear that the contestants were using in the incident, is a third-party vendor that is not owned nor operated by Hooters.
Hooters said the safety and security of its employees is its top priority, and said it is fully cooperating with authorities as they investigate.
Police, who reviewed footage of the man setting up his camera, said Rolfes revealed his motive to them.
?Man to man I did it because I?ve never had a girlfriend,? Rolfes told an officer, according to the report.
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FRANKFORT, Ky. (AP) ? College student John Ramsey stands out in a new campaign finance world order filled with big names like Republican casino mogul Sheldon Adelson and Democratic Hollywood producer Jeffrey Katzenberg.
The senior at Stephen F. Austin University is the founder of a team of college-age Republicans ? liberals have dubbed it the "Brat PAC" ? that helped propel one congressional candidate to victory and intends to get involved in other House races.
Ramsey is just the latest wealthy individual to try to influence federal elections in the wake of a series of federal court decisions that deregulated the campaign finance system and dramatically changed the country's political landscape.
It's not just his age ? he's 21 ? that sets him apart. There's his source of means: He turned $1 million of his inheritance into the Liberty For All Political Action Committee. And there's this: He's part of an army of young Ron Paul supporters who have turned their attention to federal, state and local races after their libertarian-leaning hero's presidential hopes were dashed once again.
"I could very easily, having that great fortune, be spending it on frivolous things ? big expensive cars or jets. But, you know, I'm really interested in making this world a better place," says Ramsey, a lanky 6-foot-7 Texan. "To be able to put your own personal wealth behind a humanitarian cause, it's really very refreshing for me."
In Ramsey's view, libertarian politics is humanitarian because it will produce a fiscally healthy United States and citizens who can afford to provide charity to poorer countries where people are starving.
He wouldn't have been able to choose this path if not for a series of federal court cases, including the Supreme Court's Citizen United ruling in 2010, that stripped away the old restrictions on campaign spending. Those changes have green-lighted wealthy individuals and corporations to open their wallets freely this election, but they've also given the OK for grassroots groups like Ramsey's to raise unlimited sums of cash.
As an economics and finance major, Ramsey is passionate in his belief that an overreaching government hinders rather than helps. He said his own philosophy mirrors that of Frederic Bastiat, a 19th century French legislator who decried government's intrusion on individual liberties, and that of Paul, the Texas congressman who gained a passionate following by espousing similar principles.
It's that belief that drove Ramsey to found his group, which the liberal-leaning magazine Mother Jones dubbed the Brat PAC.
Liberty For All's first order of business was supporting the primary campaign of a protege of Paul's son, Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., for Kentucky's open 4th Congressional District seat.
Ramsey's committee poured a half-million dollars into that race to help Thomas Massie, a 41-year-old engineer and businessman, beat two well-established Republicans. One was state lawmaker Alecia Webb-Edgington, who had surged in polling after two influential politicians endorsed her.
Liberty For All's 23-year-old executive director, Preston Bates, initially ran ads that talked up Massie. Then he went on the air with attack ads against Webb-Edgington and a third contender, Boone County Judge-Executive Gary Moore. The strategy helped propel Massie to a decisive victory on May 22.
Massie credited the PAC for helping him overcome political adversity but added, "In a fair race, I would have won this without the PAC."
In winning the Republican nomination, he became the overwhelming favorite in the November general election over Democratic nominee Bill Adkins, a northern Kentucky attorney.
Bates said the Massie victory has given the fledgling PAC credibility and sparked hundreds of small contributions amounting to tens of thousands of dollars since the Kentucky primary. The group will have to report the exact amount in its July financial disclosure to the Federal Election Commission. That report, Bates said, will show Ramsey as the largest donor with a $1.3 million investment. Minus the $600,000 spent on the Massie race, the PAC will have to refill its coffers to have a continuing impact. Ramsey hasn't ruled out dropping in more cash himself.
The group is now turning its sights on a Michigan congressional race this fall, backing freshman Rep. Justin Amash's re-election. It plans to continue being involved in the Massie race, and perhaps 10 others that won't be announced until later this month. Bates also doesn't rule out the PAC's involvement in any of the remaining late primaries.
Ramsey is not without detractors. Adkins said he expects Kentuckians to refuse to let a rich Texan, whom he called "a bomb thrower" with "no clear agenda," tell them whom to elect to Congress.
"He got his money the old-fashioned way ? he inherited it," Adkins said.
Republican Marcus Carey, another candidate who lost the primary to Massie, said people he has talked to since the primary seem angry that Ramsey "in their words, 'bought the election.' "
"I think it's wonderful that young people are involved in politics and that young people are finding principles that they believe in and are becoming engaged," Carey said. But he said Ramsey's actions may have had negative consequences.
"What he did was he threw his weight around," Carey said, "and in doing it so, it has had a discouraging effect on others getting involved."
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RIYADH (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia's Defence Minister Prince Salman bin Abdulaziz, seen as more moderate than his hawkish brother Crown Prince Nayef who died on Saturday, is likely to be anointed heir to the throne of the world's top oil exporter.
Although the choice of a new crown prince must be confirmed by a family allegiance council, analysts said it would be highly surprising if Salman, now 76, was passed over.
"The most obvious candidate is Prince Salman," said Saudi politics professor Khalid al-Dakhil.
If appointed, he is likely to shoulder much of the burden of state immediately, given that King Abdullah is already 89.
An imposing figure, Salman controls one of the Arab world's largest media groups.
He believes that democracy is ill-suited to the conservative kingdom and advocates a cautious approach to social and cultural reform, according to a 2007 U.S. diplomatic cable released by WikiLeaks.
A familiar figure to the kingdom's top ally - the United States - he is someone with whom Washington would be comfortable doing business.
"It appeared to me he had a good handle on the delicate balancing act he had to do to move society forward while being respectful of its traditions and conservative ways," said Robert Jordan who was U.S. ambassador in Riyadh from 2001-03.
"He doesn't blindly accept everything the United States says, but at the same time he understands the importance of the relationship, which goes beyond oil," Jordan added.
After nearly 50 years as governor of Riyadh province, Prince Salman now controls the big-spending Defence Ministry.
The ministry has long used arms purchases to turn the Saudi armed forces into one of the best equipped in the Middle East and to bolster ties with allies such as the United States, Britain and France.
Since being named defence minister last year, he has been to both Washington and London, meeting President Barack Obama and Prime Minister David Cameron.
A family insider, Salman has been part of the inner circle of the al-Saud ruling family, which founded and still dominates the desert kingdom in alliance with conservative religious clerics, for decades.
In a royal family that bases its right to rule on its guardianship of Islam's holiest sites in Mecca and Medina, Salman is reputed to be devout but relatively outward-looking.
"He's not extravagant, whether in his personal life or professionally," said Khaled Almaeena, editor-in-chief of Saudi Gazette, who has known Salman personally for more than three decades.
"He's not a spendthrift and makes sure public money is spent well on projects. If you go to his office he's there every morning meeting people. He has a knack of remembering people and events... He has travelled abroad a lot and is very well read and is very well versed in dealing with the tribes."
From 1962 until last year, Salman served as governor of Riyadh, a position that meant he has had more to do with foreign governments than many senior royals.
That role saw him arbitrating disputes between quarreling members of the ruling family, putting him at the centre of the kingdom's most important power structure.
In a meeting with the U.S. ambassador in March 2007, described in a cable released by WikiLeaks, Salman said the social and cultural reforms instigated by King Abdullah had to move slowly for fear of a conservative backlash.
He also argued against the introduction of democracy in the kingdom, citing regional and tribal divisions, and told the ambassador that a solution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict was necessary for Middle East stability.
"He is liberal in his personal life and moderate in politics, he can't be called a liberal because he holds some conservative values," said a source close to the Saudi royals.
"He is a very balanced character, so moderate is the best word to describe him," the source added.
With his strong bearded features, Salman is the prince who is said to more closely resemble his father, King Abdulaziz Ibn Saud, than any of his brothers.
Backed by a small group of followers inspired by an austere vision of Islam, Ibn Saud recaptured his family's old stronghold of Riyadh in 1902, launching a three-decade campaign of conquest that carved out the modern borders of a kingdom founded in 1932.
Salman is one of the so-called "Sudairi seven" - the brothers born to Ibn Saud by his favorite wife Hassa bint Ahmed al-Sudairi.
His full brothers in a family of more than 30 half-brothers include the late King Fahd and Crown Prince Sultan, Nayef and Prince Ahmed, the deputy interior minister.
Salman was born in 1935 in Riyadh, then a mud brick oasis deep in the interior of a new kingdom that had not yet discovered oil, depending instead on revenue from pilgrims to Mecca and Medina, date farming and camel herding.
Yet one son, Prince Sultan bin Salman, became the first Arab astronaut, flying on the U.S. space shuttle Discovery in 1985.
Prince Sultan is now the kingdom's tourism minister while another son, Prince Abdulaziz, is the deputy oil minister.
In his five decades administering Riyadh and its surroundings, Salman oversaw the development of the capital from a large desert town into a metropolis of 4.6 million people.
He was taught in the "princes' school" set up in Ibn Saud's palace by the imam of the Grand Mosque of Mecca, signaling the importance that Ibn Saud attached to the centrality of pure Islamic belief in the kingdom he created.
(Reporting by Angus McDowall; Additional reporting by Amena Bakr; Editing by Sami Aboudi, Samia Nakhoul and Andrew Osborn)
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Page 1 of 2 | Next PageSpain faces new debt tests after Greek elections
Reuters | June 15, 2012 | 09:36 AM EDT
MADRID (Reuters) - With Spain's borrowing costs already near record highs on fears about the cost of fixing its banks, the country's ability to fund itself will be tested next week when it sells short- and medium-term debt in the wake of the Greek election.
The Treasury said on Friday it would sell three medium-term bonds on Thursday following a short-term debt T-bill auction on Tuesday.
The Treasury did not say how much it aims to raise at either of the auctions, but it is expected to keep the target low when it announces the issuance range on Monday at around 0800 EDT as refinancing costs rise.
While Madrid will likely pay punitive costs to dip into debt markets across all maturities, investors will be keen to see if there is still market appetite for Spanish paper.
The yield on Spain's 10-year bond topped 7 percent on Thursday after Moody's downgraded the country's debt to one notch above junk grade, a level after which Portugal, Ireland and Greece were forced to seek external aid.
Spain is already receiving European support to recapitalize its banks, many of which were shattered after a property bubble burst.
The outlook for the auctions will hinge on the result of Greek election on Sunday, which could be won by parties vowing to tear up an agreement over the harsh economic measures imposed by the European Union.
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If that extra Dropbox storage helped swing the Galaxy S III pendulum in your favor, and you're a customer of AT&T or Verizon, it's not good news. Droid Life reports that one such expectant customer was asking Dropbox, via its forums, where their storage was. The cloud-space provider informed them that not all carriers are offering the deal, with those two big hitters being among them. This is further confirmed elsewhere on its support pages (check the source). So, just as we thought operators were loosening their grip, it seems some old habits don't die so easily.
Dropbox confirms Galaxy S III on AT&T and Verizon won't include 50GB storage originally appeared on Engadget on Sat, 09 Jun 2012 11:33:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.
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Former Penn State University assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky arrives for the first day of jury selection as his trial on 52 counts of child sexual abuse involving 10 boys over a period of 15 years gets underway at the Centre County Courthouse in Bellefonte, Pa., Tuesday, June 5, 2012. (AP Photo/Gene J. Puskar)
Former Penn State University assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky arrives for the first day of jury selection as his trial on 52 counts of child sexual abuse involving 10 boys over a period of 15 years gets underway at the Centre County Courthouse in Bellefonte, Pa., Tuesday, June 5, 2012. (AP Photo/Gene J. Puskar)
Former Penn State University assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky, left, arrives with his attorney Joe Amendola, right, for the first day of jury selection at the central Pennsylvania courthouse on Tuesday, June 5, 2012 in Bellefonte, Pa. Sandusky will stand trial on 52 counts of child sexual abuse involving 10 boys over a period of 15 years. (AP Photo/Gene J. Puskar)
Former Penn State University assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky arrives for the first day of jury selection at the central Pennsylvania courthouse on Tuesday, June 5, 2012 in Bellefonte, Pa. Sandusky will stand trial on 52 counts of child sexual abuse involving 10 boys over a period of 15 years. (AP Photo/Gene J. Puskar)
Former Penn State University assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky, center, arrives with his attorney Joe Amendola, second from left, for the first day of jury selection at the central Pennsylvania courthouse on Tuesday, June 5, 2012 in Bellefonte, Pa. Sandusky will stand trial on 52 counts of child sexual abuse involving 10 boys over a period of 15 years. (AP Photo/Gene J. Puskar)
Reporters work on the front lawn of the Centre County Courthouse in Bellefonte, Pa., Monday, June 4, 2012, a day before the start of the child sexual abuse trial of former Penn State college football assistant coach Jerry Sandusky. Jury selection is scheduled to begin Tuesday. (AP Photo/Gene J. Puskar)
BELLEFONTE, Pa. (AP) ? Connections to Penn State weren't enough to keep prospective jurors from being chosen to decide Jerry Sandusky's fate on child sexual abuse charges.
The start of jury selection Tuesday showed the strength of Sandusky's and Penn State's links to their rural central Pennsylvania community, but the presiding judge indicated that those connections weren't necessarily enough to keep them from being one of the 12 jurors or four alternates.
Nine jurors were selected Tuesday, including a longtime Penn State football season ticketholder.
In the first questioning of 40 prospective jurors, about half said they or immediate family members worked at Penn State or were university retirees. One woman rented apartments to college students. Four knew Sandusky, a former Penn State assistant football coach. Two knew his wife.
Sandusky's lawyer won the right to have jurors chosen from the local community, and prosecutors had concerns that Centre County might prove to be nearly synonymous with Penn State. Sandusky had helped build the football team's reputation as a defensive powerhouse known as "Linebacker U," his arrest toppled Joe Paterno from the head coaching position just months before his death from cancer, and some of the alleged attacks on children occurred inside university showers.
One of the very first jurors to be seated wasn't just a season ticketholder since the 1970s: She said John McQueary ? a possible trial witness and the father of a key witness ? once worked with her husband.
When Sandusky's lawyer sought to have her removed for cause, Judge John Cleland signaled he would need more grounds.
"We're in Centre County. We're in rural Pennsylvania," Cleland said, noting that such connections "can't be avoided."
Sandusky attorney Joe Amendola opted not to use one of his eight challenges, and she joined the panel.
Others selected included a 24-year-old man with plans to attend an auto technician school and a mother of two who works in retail.
All the jurors will have to say under oath they can be impartial.
Prospective jurors also learned that Paterno's wife and son were among the potential defense witnesses. Members of Sandusky's family also were on a list shown to the prospective jurors, along with assistant coach Mike McQueary and his father.
Mike McQueary, on leave from the team, has said he saw Sandusky naked in a team shower with a young boy more than a decade ago and reported it to football coach Joe Paterno.
Mike McQueary is also on the prosecution's list, along with young men who have accused Sandusky of abusing them.
Sandusky, 68, faces 52 criminal counts and potential penalties that could result in an effective life prison sentence for alleged abuse involving 10 boys. He has denied the allegations.
Among those who were struck from the pool were a nurse who said people make up stories all the time ? prosecutors used a challenge for her ? as well as a man who had volunteered for the charity Sandusky founded, The Second Mile. Also struck were a mother of 10 who said she has made up her mind and a Penn State fan and township manager who said news coverage of the case has been destructive to her community.
Cleland told the more than 220 potential jurors he would not sequester them, meaning they can spend nights at home during the trial that is expected to last several weeks.
While about a dozen TV news trucks and more than 50 reporters waited outside the courthouse for updates, Cleland urged the jury pool to avoid news accounts or social media postings.
"No one in the world will know as much about this trial as the people sitting in the jury box," Cleland told them.
Sandusky attended jury selection, and laughed at some of Cleland's humorous remarks to potential jurors. But when Cleland told the pool the nature of the charge, Sandusky put his head down.
More than 600 summonses were sent out to residents in Centre County, the home of Penn State University's main campus.
Cleland addressed the prospective jurors in a somber, packed courtroom. The prospective panelists were to be taken in groups of 40 for more questions and, ultimately to face one-on-one questioning in a third phase, for those who were not dismissed beforehand. The jurors who were selected were allowed to leave for the day.
Early in the process, jurors were asked to indicate through a system in which they held up cards whether they had connections to Penn State.
About a dozen signaled that they worked or had retired from the university; another half-dozen said they had spouses who worked for the school.
Four indicated they knew Sandusky. Two said they knew his wife, Dottie, who was not in court on Tuesday.
Two potential jurors indicated they had previously volunteered with The Second Mile.
Of the first group of 40 to be questioned Tuesday morning, Cleland dismissed five for medical reasons or vacation plans.
Some of the alleged victims are expected to testify during the trial, the opening of which is likely to begin on Monday morning. Cleland said the trial may last three weeks.
Prosecutors have claimed that Sandusky groomed boys he met through The Second Mile, the charity he founded for at-risk youth in 1977, then attacked them, in some cases in his own home or inside university athletic facilities.
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Have you ever had the?experience?of hearing a speaker and come away from the experience thinking: ?I would have said that this way?? ?Or perhaps you have read an article and thought: ?I would have written that this way??
If you have ever said that to yourself, you may have the makings of a public speaker, or, perhaps, a writer.
How can I say that? ?The truth is that speakers and writers all engage in a continual self narrative running in their heads. ?They see events and hear a story being told, if only in their heads.
The challenge comes in how to get that?nascent narrative developed until it is a complete speech or article. ?This process is something that, once we understand how it is done, we can do regularly and, with practice, even easily.
There are some tricks you can use to develop your public speaking skills. ?As with any skills you learn, you have to practice them to actually improve at the skill. ?If your expectation is to be perfect as a speaker or a writer on your first effort, you?ll have some difficult?experiences?ahead of you.
1. ?Identify your passion. ? Passion is that thing that excites or moves you in the core of your being. ?It doesn?t require extreme effort to get going to do it. ?It creates its own energy in you and doesn?t wear you out. ?Find your passion, and speaking about it or writing about it becomes all the easier.
2. Take copious notes. ?Notes don?t have to be logical, at least not initially. ?If you are writing on a broad theme, the more notes you develop early, even with an almost train of thought approach, you will find you have plenty when it gets time to hone your speech or your article.
3. ?Realize the duality of the development stage. ?Sound confusing? ?It isn?t. ?When you first start out as a public speaker, you will run to one of two extremes. ?You will either have far too little material for the time you have allotted, or you will have far more material than you have for the time allotted.
I once was preaching in English at a bi-lingual ?church in Taipei. ?Though I spoke Mandarin well enough to preach in it, this particular church used a translator from which every language was used for preaching in to the other.
Prior to me starting an elderly gentleman had been asked to give a 5 minute presentation about his experience in one of the men?s groups in the church.
He had not done much public speaking, and I knew I was not going to have much time to preach (normally there was about 25 minutes), when the old gentleman began telling about when he was 25 (he was about 80 at the time). ?He went for about 25 minutes!
So what is the lesson there? If you aren?t used to speaking in public, it can be very easy to have way too much to say and you go way past the amount of time you should be using. ?That is one side of the duality.
The other side of the duality of the development stage is having too little. ?In this instance, you understand your time, but despite what you think, you prepare far less than the time needed.
If you are blogging, it is very easy to have far more written down than most people will be willing to spend reading. ?You have to practice, and you have to edit.
4. Practice, practice, practice. ?It may sound silly, but if you do not have much experience in public speaking, your trusty video camera will be your best friend. ?Once you have developed your topic, get in front of the camera, and speak as if it was your actual speaking engagement.
Don?t stop. ?Don?t edit. ?Go all the way through it, and be sure to time it. ?When you have finished, have a look at the entire video. ?Did you finish too soon? ?Did you go too long? ?What about the content? ?Did you cover the topic thoroughly if not exhaustively? ?Did you leave your audience wanting to hear more, to know more, or, best of all, wanting to have you back?
5. Look for opportunities to use your developing skills. ?There are organizations which not only allow you speak publicly, they actually encourage it! ?Toastmasters is one such organization. ?There are others that have regular needs for public speakers. ?Identify them and you have a built in way to develop you skills in real life situaions.
6. ?Constantly develop material. ?Write down your insights or inspirations. ?Work at thinking narratively. ?Practice how you would say something you hear another speaker say (don?t?plagiarize, but do ?riff? off of the words of others).
This is not an exhaustive list. ?Just some things to start with as you seek to develop as a communicator. ?Look for future posts on this topic.
What about you? ?Do you enjoy speaking publicly? ?Or does it petrify you? ?What are you doing to improve?
Tagged as: communication, public speaking
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How can it help your E-business?
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? It allows customers to add items or products of their choices from different product categories. Online shopping stores built on this platform offer a rich shopping experience to customers. It also supports as many as 50 payment gateways. Magento has a one page check out process making it easier for customers.
? Your online store to have a higher search engine as the software has in-built SEO tools.
? This means that you can sell your products as well as services to the consumers all over the world without distressing in respect of barrier such as currency or language. Magento also supports multiple languages and currencies. Managing products is very simple with a Magento shopping cart. It helps make online shopping a novel experience and at the time safer for your customers. Security is not an issue with Magento.
? There are various extensions available which help improve your online store. Magento extensions have increased in popularity nowadays because of the functionality offered by it.
? They can also recommend products from your store to their friends and relatives. Also, your customers can have the option of wish list and can also review your products and services.
Advantages of using the Magento
? This is better than ordering expensive wildcard SSL certificates or creating and configuring several checkout pages. The key features of utilizing one set installation rather of multiple Magento applications is that all of your stores can be configured to use one SSL and check out process.
? This means that store owners can sell their products and services to customers across the world without worrying about the currency or language barrier. With a Magento shopping cart managing products is quite simple.
? This provides brilliant flexibility, SEO and URL-friendly links, unlimited possibilities when it comes to.
? It allows customers to add items or products of their choices from different product categories. Online shopping stores built on this platform offer a rich shopping experience to customers. Magento has a one page check out process making it easier for customers.
? Magento SEO features which include easily-editable meta information, as well as social shopping tools like reviews and tags that encourage dynamic, product-related content.
? This is really amazing and a very useful feature. The best thing about Magento is that it provides a multi store option. The stores can be controlled via a single administrative panel. It allows store owners to have different stores for their different range of products.
? It allows retailers and manufacturers to automatically detect browser information and provides mobile customers either full site catalog or a customized selection of products. Magento enables the Mobile Commerce by offering mobile-optimized versions of online stores.
? Each customer can also review a purchased product. Customers can compare products which help them in making better purchase decisions. Reading product reviews help people make the right choice.
Tags: Magento Customization, Magento Hosting, Magento multi store, Magento product types, Magento services, Magento template integration, payment gateway integration
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