Monday, August 12, 2013

Interfaith outreach in Syria: Jihadists destroy Orthodox church

?My comrade-in-arms, my pal, my buddy.?
? Oriana Fallaci

?Robert Spencer incarnates intellectual courage when, all over the world, governments, intellectuals, churches, universities and media crawl under a hegemonic Universal Caliphate?s New Order. His achievement in the battle for the survival of free speech and dignity of man will remain as a fundamental monument to the love of, and the self-sacrifice for, liberty.?
? Bat Ye?or

"Perhaps the foremost Catholic expert on Islam in our country."
? Fr. C. John McCloskey, National Catholic Register

?Robert Spencer is indefatigable. He is keeping up the good fight long after many have already given up. I do not know what we would do without him. I appreciate all the intelligence and courage it takes to keep going despite the appeasement of the West.?
? Ibn Warraq

?America's most informed, fearless, and compelling voice on modern jihadism.?
? Andrew C. McCarthy, Senior Fellow at National Review Institute

?Robert Spencer is the leading voice of scholarship and reason in a world gone mad. If the West is to be saved, we will owe Robert Spencer an incalculable debt.?
? Pamela Geller, Atlas Shrugs

"The consummate Islam critic and expert." ? Bruce Bawer

?Over the years, we have become friends, and I have received his assistance on several pieces of legislation I proposed.?
? Former Congressman Tom Tancredo

?Few people are capable of applying scholarship, analytical reasoning, and objectivity to their topic -- while simultaneously being readable and witty -- as can Robert Spencer.?
? Raymond Ibrahim

?A national treasure...The acclaimed scholar of Islam.?
? Frank Gaffney, Center for Security Policy

?I am indeed honored to call him my friend.?
? Brad Thor, novelist

?A top American analyst of Islam....A serious scholar...I learn from him.?
? Daniel Pipes

?A brilliant scholar and writer.?
? Douglas Murray

"One of my best teachers."
? Ashraf Ramelah, Voice of the Copts

?Thank God there?s at least one man with balls left in the West.?
? Kathy Shaidle, Five Feet of Fury

?I read people like [Mark Steyn] and Bob Spencer and the rest of them, and I say, ?Boortz, you?re pretending you?re an author. These people really are. They really write some entertaining, some standup stuff.??
? Neal Boortz

?Robert Spencer is the Stephen King of Jihad.?
? Chris Gaubatz, Muslim Mafia

?Armed with facts and fearlessness, Spencer stands up for Western civilization.?
? Michelle Malkin

?Widely read in conservative foreign policy circles.?
? New York Times

?Widely read in many quarters in Washington.?
? Washington Post

?A canny operative who likely has the inside track on the State Department?s Middle East affairs desk should the tea party win the White House.?
? New York Magazine

?A hero of the American right.?
? Karen Armstrong

"Spencer?s comprehensive understanding of his Christian faith and Islam along with lucidly insightful writing give the lie to his international notoriety as a bigoted 'Islamophobe.'"
? Institute on Religion & Democracy

"The leading anti-Islamic intellectual in the United States....The go-to Islam expert for the right wing."
? Salon Magazine

?Robert Spencer is an Edward Said turned upside down.?
? Stephen Suleyman Schwartz

?One of the nation's most notorious Islamophobes.?
? Hamas-linked CAIR

"Geller and Spencer are probably the most important propagandizing Islamophobes in the world. These people's voices speak very loudly ? not just here in the United States but overseas."
? Heidi Beirach, Southern Poverty Law Center

?Satanic ignoramus.?
? Khaleel Mohammed

?The Likud anti-Christ.?
? Dar al-Hayat newspaper (Saudi Arabia)

?Zionist Crusader, missionary of hate, counter-Islam consultant.?
? Al-Qaeda?s Adam Gadahn, ?Azzam the American?


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